Are you spending too much time trying to keep track of your cash flow? Many business owners are choosing to streamline their processes by working with a Client Accounting Services (CAS) team, a group of specialized accountants who provide a tailored suite of services to simplify your accounting processes.
Working with a CAS team, you can automate your accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR), preventing delays in financial reporting and other key workflows. This means more time to focus on what matters most to you.
A CAS team can also help you implement a financial automation solution that increases your visibility, control and insight, while helping you maintain oversight of your key financial processes.
Financial automation solutions provide the following benefits:
- Save 50% of time spent on accounts payable
- Get payment approvals 2-3x faster
- Pay your employees 2x faster
- Manage your cash flow on the go with mobile and online capabilities
Additionally, financial automation solutions integrate with leading accounting software to reduce data entry, provide better management of budgets and cash flows, and create a digital audit trail of all payment activities that you can access from anywhere.
If you have questions about strategies to simplify your accounting processes, leave a comment below or feel free to contact me directly, I'm happy to help!