More than financial statements

2023_CRR_ACCOUNTINGAUDITOur audit professionals are experts in the latest accounting standards and emerging issues. We offer the highest level of assurance, and provide financial insight based on decades of experience, to help you better understand and manage your business. 

In addition to providing compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements tailored to your specific needs and time schedule, our experts will evaluate your financial position, identify potential risk areas, and provide recommendations for improvement.

We also provide an array of services to help you manage your business, make critical financial decisions, and increase your overall efficiency and profitability.

Our accounting + auditing services include:

  • Financial statement audits, reviews, and compilations
  • Employee benefit plan audits and consulting
  • Agreed upon procedures
  • Due diligence attest
  • Internal control evaluations and audits
  • Litigation support
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance 
  • Bookkeeping and accounting write-ups
  • Accounting department support
  • Quickbooks implementation and support



Richard Daigle, Jr., CPA
Partner & Audit Team Leader
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